Borehole Commissioned at Olturot

There was joy and jubilation when Rev. Justus Mugambi, the Deputy Bishop, on Saturday, 25th May 2024, formally commissioned the new borehole at Olturot Mission Centre. The residents of Olturot celebrated as they watched water gush through the big pipe, lapping their hands and feet. “We praise God for His provision for CITAM to drill this borehole,” Rev. Mugambi elatedly said, flanked by Rev. Elias Githuka, Head of Missions. The solar-powered water pump will supply water to the community, with the borehole capable of producing 19,000 litres per hour.

This borehole is an answered prayer for the women and children of Olturot who previously walked long distances in the scorching sun to fetch water. “I would leave at dawn and walk for many kilometres to the water point,” one woman said, smiling with joy. “We would wait for many hours for the camels, cows, sheep, and goats to quench their thirst first.” In the Samburu culture, livestock are given priority over humans for water. After the long wait, women would fetch water and begin their trek back, often arriving home late in the afternoon, exhausted but still needing to care for their children.

The long trips to fetch water had caused numerous challenges for the women, including increased miscarriages from carrying heavy water containers over long distances in the extreme heat. Pastor Terry Wangui Lessir, the missionary pastor at Olturot, was overjoyed at the sight of what the Lord had done. “Many women would come to Sunday services late or even miss out due to the burdensome task of looking for water for their families,” Pastor Terry said.

The mission station plans to initiate an income-generating project by selling the water at a subsidized cost to help the station become self-sustaining. This project is also expected to create employment opportunities. Additionally, the water will support farming, kitchen gardening, and tree planting initiatives.

Praise the Lord!

Olturot Mission Station Impacting the Local Community

When CITAM opened the Olturot Mission Station, which is 157 Kms West of Marsabit town, it was not easy to envisage the transformation that would take place in the community. By God’s provision and enablement, the mission station has become a beacon of hope to the community.

The station which lies in the southern part of the famous Chalbi Desert is led by Pastor Teresa Lesiir and her husband Stanley Lesiir. The hot and rugged terrain with little vegetation lucidly tells you about the harsh weather conditions. The region experiences little or no rainfall throughout the year.

Despite the tough challenges, our missionaries have continued to reach the community with the love of Christ and deliver them from ungodly bondages. Arial Redille, who are a resultant of intermarriages between the Samburu and the Redille, practice both cultures but are majorly influenced by Samburu cultural practices hence speakers of the Samburu language. African Traditional Religion is common with the worship of the moon being a common religious practice.

The station has ministry programs to reach the community that include Children’s ministry, teens’ ministry, women’s ministry, men’s ministry, primary and secondary school outreaches, sports ministry, fora ministry, weekly fellowships, overnight prayer meetings and evangelism.

CITAM’s Missions department, led by Rev. Elias Githuka, is committed to fulfill the Great Commission through making Christ known and spirit filled believers’ worship in spirit and in truth among the unreached people’s groups, seeing children grounded and rooted in the word.