Rulers to be a people after God’s heart (1 Samuel 13:14)
• Pray that leaders will lead well. That they will have listening ears and soft hearts (Deuteronomy 17:19).
• Pray for those in authority to be upright and blameless in leading our country.
• Leaders will fear God and address poverty and justice issues (Job 2:3, Proverbs 11:3)
• Pray against bloodthirsty men and oppressors (Proverbs 29:10, 13)
• Pray that rulers will respect and honor their subjects (Philippians 2:3)
• Pray for honest leaders: who shall judge everyone with righteous judgement; will not pervert justice, do not show
partiality, do not take bribe, and shall follow justice (Deuteronomy 16:18-20)
• Peaceful co-existent of various arms of government (Executive, Legislature and Judiciary)
• Adherence to the rule of law
• Cordial relationships with other nations regionally and globally.